SEPTEMBER 15, 2022

Meeting started at 7:30 with Fr. Jose leading us in prayer.

Members present:  Dan Kozulla, Doug Knopik, Dave Schubert, Fr. Jose, Deb Woitalla, Denise Young and Yvonne Kisor.

Guests:  Leonard and Teresa Thesing, Sheryl Cronquist, Bev Schubert, and Amanda Woitalla.

Dave made a motion, seconded by Denise to approve the July 21, 2022 minutes.  Motion carried.

Denise made a motion, seconded by Dave to approve the financial report.  Motion carried.

Thank you to Urban Legend for the milk donation and Bootleggers for the ice for the bazaar and to the many others who made donations.

Leonard and Teresa received estimates for replanting trees in the cemetery and along the front of the church.  The recommendation for our area would be maple or crab apple.  We will need 9 trees.  Deb made a motion, seconded by Denise to purchase from Landsburg.  Thank you to Leonard and Teresa for doing the leg work and for arranging to have this done.

Leonard will replace the clear glass in the windows that are cracked.  Denise will check on where we can get colored glass to repair those panes.

Denise will talk to Andy about any roof repairs needed in the sacristy.  The ceiling tiles will be replaced once the roof is fixed.

Carpet in the entries was tabled until the next meeting.

Brainerd Audio will be back Sept 29th or 30th to check how everything is working with the new sound system.  Doug will talk to them about a permanent outside speaker.

We received two applications for donations from Seminarians.  Denise made a motion, seconded by Dan Kozulla to award each of them $500.00.  Motion carried.

ACC is looking for a volunteer to help coordinate the 4 parish directory.  Teresa volunteered for this job.  Thank you Teresa.

The gas stove didn’t not work correctly during the bazaar.  Dave will call Ydes.

The dishwasher was in need of a new valve, which has already been replaced.  We will

check on a soap dispenser for it.

It was suggested to put dead bolt locks on the morton buildings and the bus garage.  Deb made a motion, seconded by Dan Kozulla to take care of this.  Motion carried.  Leonard will install those.

There will be a bazaar meeting on October 5 at 7:30.  Items mentioned for discussion were extra bathrooms, security, new building or some type of cover for kids games, type of beer served.

Leonard and Teresa volunteered to head up the tree of lights again this year.  This money will be earmarked to extend the road in the cemetery.

There will be a Eucharistic Revival Oct 5 and 16.  Doug and Teresa will check if we have high speed internet which is needed for the presentation.

Teresa will check on the website update.

Nov 16 will be First Reconciliation for both parishes.

Butch Maleski is retiring from the Holy Name Treasurer position, Doug Knopik will temporarily take this position until the next Holy Name meeting.

Our next meeting will be Nov 17 at 7:30.

Meeting closed with prayer at 9:32

Minutes submitted by Yvonne Kisor