JULY 21, 2022

Meeting started at 7:40 with Fr. Jose leading us in prayer.

Members present:  Dave Skwira, Jeff Thommes, Denise Young, Andy Woitalla, Doug Knopik, Dave Schubert, Fr. Jose, LeRoy Woitalla, and Yvonne Kisor.

Election of officers:  Doug Knopik is our Chairman, Jeff Thommes is our Vice-chair, and Bernie Hoffman is our new secretary.

Dave Schubert made a motion, seconded by Denise to approve the minutes of the May 19, 2022.  Motion carried.

Denise made a motion, seconded by Dave Schubert to approve the financial report with the correction of the date.  Motion carried.

The kitchen stove has been fixed.

We have made a 70% payment on the new sound system.  Work should begin the first week in August.  We will have 2 wireless microphones and the third will be delivered as

soon as it is in stock.

The coffee machine is here.  The new popcorn machine is here.

Carpet for the entries has been tabled.

LeRoy will contact Joe Meyer about spraying bugs for the bazaar and the church for Asian beetles.

Guests Shelly Hanneken and Michelle Litke were present to explain the reason for the change in our representation of the Holy Trinity Board.

Denise is working on getting the liquor license for the bazaar.

There will be a bazaar meeting on August 2.

We are working on getting trees for the cemetery.  LeRoy will take a soil sample to see

what kind of trees have the best survival rate for the cemetery area.

ACC pictorial directory is looking for a representative from our parish.

We need to look at fixing the stain glass windows in the church.  Some are cracked.  We will check with Leonard and see if there are some panes left.

The sacristy roof leaked again.  We will check the drains and clean them is they need it.

LeRoy made a motion, seconded by Denise to resume our full Holy Trinity payment.  Motion carried.

Our next meeting is scheduled for September 15, 2022

Meeting closed and prayer and adjourned at 9:45.

Minutes submitted by Yvonne Kisor