JULY 20, 2023

Meeting started at 7:40 with prayer.

Members present:  Deb Woitalla, Dave Schubert, Dave Skwira, Jeff Thomas, Doug Knopik, and Yvonne Kisor.

Dave Skwira made a motion, seconded by Jeff to approve the minutes from the May 18 meeting.  Motion carried.

Jeff made a motion, seconded by Yvonne to the financial report.  Motion carried.

The carpeting has been installed.  There is a little finish work to be done in the choir area.

The sacristy roof and ceiling was tabled.

Canopy and insulating the north wall was tabled.

The gutter issue was tabled.

Doug will call the legal advisor for the Diocese about the original cemetery.

Statues and bench work in the cemetery was completed by Mick Gruber.

Denise is in the process of getting bids for the road extension in the cemetery.

Headstone straightening will be done Wednesday, July 26 at 10:30.

There will be no ash distribution in the cemetery.

Dave Schubert will talk to Ydes about the oven in basement to make sure it is ready for the bazaar.

There will be portable bathrooms by the bingo stand and the beer stand for the bazaar.  There will also be wash stations.

We are checking on canopies for the kid’s games and silent auction for the bazaar.

Doug will call for security measures for the bazaar.

The Holy Name Society had one of our Chalices replated.  Beautiful job.  Thank you.

Next meeting will be September 21.

Meeting closed with prayer at 9:00

Minutes submitted by Yvonne Kisor